Detailed view of Hepatitis A virus Coating Reagent for ELISA - BRR 

Catalogue Code Y0001624
Name Hepatitis A virus Coating Reagent for ELISA - BRR Batches
Current batch number 2

Unit quantity 0.5 ML
Sale unit 1
Used in monograph(s)
Assigned content See Leaflet
Additional information
Leaflet click to download the leaflet
Study Report n/a
Chemical hazard none identified
Biological hazard Click to download Safety Data Statement
SDS Product Code 201700543
CAS Registry Number n/a
Origin click to download Origin Of Goods.pdf
Proposed Import HS code 300249
EDQM long term storage conditions -20°C+/-5°C
Dispatching conditions Ice -20°C
UN Code Not classified
Shipping group C1A
Price 79 EUR
Availability Available
Sales restriction No

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How to read this table

    1- Catalogue Code designates the catalogue code that has been assigned to each Reference Standard.

    2- Name lists the name of each item as designated in the European Pharmacopoeia (English version) and/or on the label.
    If the suffix *psy, *narc, *Drug Precursor, *MOT(biotox) or *ODS appears, export authorizations are mandatory.
    Import permit / license may be needed in your country. For more details, please refer to our Terms and Conditions of supply § 3.3.2

    3- Current Batch Number shows the batch of the selected item being distributed as of the date of this online catalogue.

    4- Unit quantity is the quantity of material provided in each container.

    5- Sale unit is the number of container(s) supplied, when more than one container is supplied for each order.

    6- Used in monograph(s) lists the monograph(s) and/or general method(s) of analysis for which the reference Substance is intended.

    Please note that Chemical Substances and Biological Preparations provided by the EDQM are exclusively supplied as European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards or Reagents (i.e. Chemical Reference Substances, Herbal Reference Standards, Biological Reference Preparations, Biological Reference Reagents, Reference Spectra) for use as standards or reference substance in the tests and assay indicated above, in accordance with the official methods of the Ph. Eur. and for no other purpose.

    7- Assigned content See leaflet for the value and explanations on use. Unless otherwise stated, the assigned value is given on the « as is » basis. For freeze dried standards the content of the pure substance is indicated per container.

    8- Additional information includes chemical name of an impurity, synonym and information in case of suppression or replacement of a standard.

    9- Leaflet Click on the hyperlink to download the leaflet containing the instructions for use, if available (Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5 or higher, or the corresponding browser plug-in is needed to open the file).

    10- Study Report Click on the hyperlink to download the study report , if available (Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5 or higher, or the corresponding browser plug-in is needed to open the file).

    11- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) are provided for occupational health and environment protection in accordance with CLP and UNECE/GHS and applicable to hazardous chemicals only. SDS is not applicable to harmless chemicals and biological/herbal preparations where a safety data statement is provided instead. Additional information on SDS is provided in our Terms and conditions for EDQM safety documentation and their use.

    12- SDS product code : this code corresponds to the reference of the applicable document (safety data sheet or bio-hazard statement).

    13- The CAS Registry Number® is based on information received from the supplier and on current knowledge. CAS Registry Number® is a registered trademark of the American Chemical Society.

    14- Origin To be checked if import permit is required in your country.

    15- Proposed Import HS code To be checked for your import customs clearance. The HS code stated for each product is a proposal of the Council of Europe (EDQM). The accuracy of HS code cannot be guaranteed.
    The importer shall be personally responsible for the tariff classification in the country of import and will assume the ensuing regulatory, fiscal, health and safety obligations.

    16- EDQM long term Storage conditions Those are the recommended storage conditions as used by EDQM. Our storage conditions are in most cases more stringent than those given in the monograph.

    17- Dispatching conditions includes information on special dispatching conditions required by the item.

    18- UN Code Classification for the shipment of the dangerous goods (only stated if a shipper's declaration for Dangerous Goods is required for this item with the stated unity quantity). Please refer to (Transport information) of the SDS.

    19- Shipping group Shipping group A parcel can only be composed of products with the same shipping group. In addition, dangerous goods will be splitted according to UN code.

    L Reference spectrum
    A1a Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and no dangerous
    A1b Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and dangerous goods
    A2a Shipment at ambient temperature for * psy and * narc and no dangerous goods
    A2b Shipment at ambient temperature for * psy and * narc and dangerous goods
    A3a Shipment at ambient temperature for drug precursor and no dangerous goods
    A3b Shipment at ambient temperature for drug precursor and dangerous goods
    G1a Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and no dangerous, should be stored at -20°C upon receipt
    G2a Shipment at ambient temperature for * psy and * narc and no dangerous goods, should be stored at -20°C upon receipt
    G3a Shipment at ambient temperature for drug precursor and no dangerous goods, should be stored at -20°C upon receipt
    B1a Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for no controlled and no dangerous goods
    B1b Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for no controlled and dangerous goods
    B2a Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for * psy and * narc and no dangerous goods
    B2b Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for * psy and * narc and dangerous goods
    B3a Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for drug precursor and no dangerous goods
    B3b Shipment under Ice +5°C (products kept refrigerated) for drug precursor and dangerous goods
    C1a Shipment under Ice -20°C (products kept frozen) for no controlled and no dangerous goods
    C2a Shipment under Ice -20°C (products kept frozen) for * psy and * narc and no dangerous goods
    C3a Shipment under Ice -20°C (products kept frozen) for drug precursor and no dangerous goods
    D1a Shipment with Dry-Ice for no controlled and no dangerous goods
    D1b Shipment with Dry-Ice for no controlled and dangerous goods
    D2a Shipment with Dry-Ice for * psy and * narc and no dangerous goods
    D2b Shipment with Dry-Ice for * psy and * narc and dangerous goods
    D3a Shipment with Dry-Ice for drug precursor and no dangerous goods
    D3b Shipment with Dry-Ice for drug precursor and dangerous goods